
Eigenrac Services ADVISE. PROTECT. SUSTAIN. DEVELOP. Working to build nationalized, sustainable platforms for stability and prosperity ADVISE Utilizing internationally recognized risk and intelligence management methodologies.
Building internal capability and capacity
PROTECT Protecting assets proportionate to the current threat landscape.
Solutions tailored in line with your risk appetite, compliance regulations and budget controls.
SUSTAIN Sustaining projects and infrastructure for government and corporate entities DEVELOP From greenfield to project completion
Intelligence Management Services
Intelligence Management Services
Eigenrac helps clients understand social and geopolitical threats they face utilizing intelligence management process. This makes a notable difference between physical, financial and reputational loss or in achieving strategic objectives
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Specialized Protective Security Services
Specialized Protective Security Services
Eigenrac provide comprehensive specialized protective security services to corporates, diplomatic and NGO community in difficult environments. A changing security landscape means that client requirements evolves with the situation, and that flexible and agile service provision is essential in ensuring service delivery continues to meet client protection needs.
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Risk Management Services
Risk Management Services
Eigenrac helps clients understand the risks they face and offer palatable and cost-effective solutions to mitigate those risks, thereby enabling their business operations to run seamlessly in complex environments.
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Capacity Building Services
Capacity Building Services
The importance of capability development programs for security agencies, corporate entities and NGO’s is forefront in the minds of Governments and foreign investors in the current climate of extended conflicts and unrelenting terrorist attacks.
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Our Value

Our clients demand internationally recognized best practice standards, delivered at a competitive rate. Our value is in the delivery of these first-class world leading services at local national prices – underpinning success.

Eigenrac’s multi-functional cross sector service delivery partners are aligned and integrated offering our clients full spectrum turnkey solutions to ADVISE, PROTECT, SUSTAIN and DEVELOP their business needs – underpinning success.

Intelligence Management Services


Specialized Protective Security Services


Risk Management


Capacity Building

Who We Are

Eigenrac is a business enabler. We help our clients operate in demanding environments by supporting their strategic goals and initiatives in the security risk management space. By understanding the intended end state, we will develop and deliver a strategy, ensuring that all potential options have been explored, enabling our clients to achieve their objectives through considered planning and eventual execution.

Through privileged access to relationships across the political, social and economic spectrum, Eigenrac is uniquely placed to provide advice and support to our clients as required. Our relationships fostered over time, enable us to have a true understanding of the environment that our client intends to operate in, which enables us to provide intelligence led solutions to facilitate their business needs.

We are a conglomerate formed of several companies that provide our clients with the foundations to underpin their success, ensuring they have a competitive advantage in a challenging and ever-changing market. We can do this by the design and delivery of security risk management solutions. Each business unit that forms the Eigenrac conglomerate has demonstrable experience in delivering bespoke solutions to specification, on budget and on time.

We employ the best people to develop host nation capabilities to internationally recognized standards, supporting and delivering sustainable nationalization programs wherever we are contracted. We add further depth to this by leveraging our unique relationships strategically placed to ensure project success.

Our Past Performance

Eigenrac has considerable past performance in the delivery of cost-effective and diverse risk based solutions in complex and post conflict environments.

Our expertise combined with experience gained from delivery of these projects, coupled with our ability to price competitively, makes us an appealing partner of choice to assist you in achieving your aims and objectives in your chosen market.

Intelligence Management Services (IMS)
Specialized Protective Security Services (SPSS)
Risk Management Services (RMS)
Capacity Building Services (CBS)

Our Strategic Partner

Each business unit within Eigenrac has decades of experience operating in challenging environments delivering to our client’s, bespoke solutions to specification, on budget and on time.