

Compliance & Social Governance

Ethical responsibility

Eigenrac recognizes the ethical responsibility it has to its people and clients. All our employees are vetted, briefed, trained and mentored before any operational deployment. We will ensure they are fit for the any role they are to undertake and have the relevant equipment and information to manage any security exception whilst deployed. We are aligned with international Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment Standards such as ISO 45001:2018.

Community support and engagement

Eigenrac understands the operations that we conduct in the communities we do so in, have the potential to impact people and infrastructure. As such we stive to engage with the local community and forge strong links in the development of local talent and in infrastructure providing employment where we can. Our strap line is ‘where the project meets the community, the community secure the project’.

Environmental awareness

At Eigenrac we are wholly aware of the importance of the environment that we live in and support the global focus to reach net zero by 2050. We embrace climate change awareness and fully support Environmental, Security and Governance (ESG) strategies that endeavor to mitigate global warming risk factors at every instance. We align our thinking with the Environment Management ISO 14001:2004 putting into practice requirements and criteria where we operate.

Due Diligence

The Eigenrac due diligence process comprises of 5 stages that are both mandatory and thorough. The process is designed to reduce the known and associated risks when conducting business with suppliers, subcontractors and external businesses and organisations. The 5 stages comprise of, Finances Checks of Accounts/Tax returns – Valid company registration, licence and Company & Ownership Background Checks – Company Policies & Procedures – Accreditation and Certificates – Risk Assessment.

Implementation of this process has enabled Eigenrac to reduce the risks associated with loss. We continue to monitor our due diligence process, continuously evolving with technological changes, industry best practice and the threat.